30 Nov 2015

Onshore oil & gas sector guidance consultation This guidance is for oil and gas companies and their consultants setting out which environmental permits are needed for onshore oil and gas exploration and extraction operations in England. We think this consultation will be of interest to anyone working on or have an interest in the exploration […]

30 Nov 2015

Natural Capital Coalition Currently companies that measure and value their impacts and dependencies on natural capital do so in a myriad of different ways. This prevents comparability, consistency and mainstream adoption of these approaches. This protocol responds to those challenges. If you would like to learn more go to: http://www.naturalcapitalcoalition.org/natural-capital-protocol.html

30 Nov 2015

Water Efficiency Today: A 2015 UK Review This review provides a snapshot of water efficiency activities being carried out today, and acts as a corner stone to the forthcoming UK Water Efficiency Strategy. Waterwise is ten years old. When we were established in 2005, water efficiency was a marginal activity with a few dedicated enthusiastic […]

30 Nov 2015

Two Ofwat consultations on water resources  Consultation on the abstraction incentive mechanism  The abstraction incentive mechanism (AIM) has the objective of encouraging water companies to reduce the environmental impact of abstracting water at environmentally sensitive sites when water is scarce. We plan to implement the AIM in reputational form from 1 April 2016. Water companies […]

30 Nov 2015

There are a bewildering array of other elements behind the headline % cuts which are lower than predicted. Smoke and mirrors, billions down the back of the sofa, an OBR windfall (£27bn) is how the ‘new’ money has been described. The Defra statement is set out below. Three elements begin to emerge: The flood infrastructure […]

30 Nov 2015

The UK government has cancelled its £1bn competition for carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology  just six months before it was due to be awarded, breaking a pledge in the Conservative party’s election manifesto. The abandonment of a technology championed by David Cameron and seen as vital in tackling global warming will be an embarrassment […]

30 Nov 2015

Decades’ worth of data revealing the health of our seas and marine wildlife, will be made freely available to the public for the first time, following the launch of a new ‘Data Hub’ today by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas).  The Cefas Data Hub, an online portal allowing the public and […]