09 Dec 2015

A Review of Access to Industry Marine Environmental Data New report available from the UK Productive Seas Evidence Group (PSEG) This report may be downloaded from: http://www.gov.scot/Topics/marine/science/MSCC/PSEG Summary This new report, ‘A Review of Access to Industry Marine Environmental Data’ has just been published. The study was undertaken for PSEG jointly by ABP Marine Environmental […]

09 Dec 2015

This is what extreme events look like.   We know that climate change predictions suggest that we will have more extreme events. Cumbria: Met Office – Storm Desmond’s records: http://blog.metoffice.gov.uk/ The Met Office’s warning re climate change a month ago: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/research/news/2015/global-average-temperature-2015  How will the insurance industry respond? This is what the insurance industry has done in […]

09 Dec 2015

Whilst it might be tempting to kill the messenger, George Monbiot outlines what we instinctively know. We need a fully integrated approach to climate change, energy policy, flood defences, land management and lots more. He points out the contradictions and problems with our current ‘leadership’ on these issues.  http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/dec/07/hide-evidence-storm-desmond-floods-paris-talks George Monbiot (Guardian) ‘It’s as if […]

09 Dec 2015

Ofwat ‘The publication by Ofwat (Tuesday 1 December) of the report of the Resilience Task and Finish Group is a significant step for the sector as we seek to ensure that our services are resilient, now and in the future. We are pleased that the report recommends a water and wastewater resilience action group to […]

09 Dec 2015

This page of the CaBA website provides 50 examples of best practice – well worth a visit http://www.catchmentbasedapproach.org/best-practice Examples include: Ecosystem Services Visualisation The CaBA Mentoring Programme Examples of stakeholder engagement The Rivers Trust mapping portal And much, much more ….

07 Dec 2015

Fitness check conference outcomes: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/legislation/fitness_check/conference_en.htm  The draft document on the consultation of the fitness check on the Habitat & Birds Directive http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/legislation/fitness_check/docs/consultation/Fitness%20Check%20final%20draft%20emerging%20findings%20report.pdf  Commentary from IUCN 25 November 2015 | News story  The EU Nature Directives are effective, coherent, relevant and fit for purpose, but insufficient  implementation remains a serious issue, and must be stepped up […]

07 Dec 2015

The Paris Climate change conference (COP21) will come to its end on Friday (11th December) We will be doing  let me know if there is anything particularly useful interesting on the outputs: Follow it day by day on   http://www.cop21.gouv.fr/en/ Here are two useful interesting videos.  What does ocean acidification look like?  Jason Hall-Spencer Marine scientists […]