22 Sep 2020

Back in 2010 in their report to government, the ’Making Space for Nature’ panel advocated “bigger, better and more joined up spaces for nature”. Click here. Ten years on, the panel of nature conservation experts, academics and land managers led by Professor Sir John Lawton has written to the Prime Minister calling for immediate action […]

14 Sep 2020

The Fisheries Bill provides a framework for fisheries management after the Brexit transition period ends and the UK is no longer part of the Common Fisheries Policy. It is intended to underpin the UK’s management of fisheries as an independent coastal state. One of the successful amendments introduced during the Report stage in the House […]

14 Sep 2020

A warning from RSPB that that efforts to protect Britain’s wildlife have suffered a “lost decade” because of a failure to meet targets agreed in the UN Convention on Biological Diversity. The RSPB said the UK was failing on goals to protect land and sea habitats and reverse the slide towards extinction for threatened species […]

14 Sep 2020

Latest Greenpeace UK report Bright Blue Seas examines progress with UK offshore MPAs To assess the condition of the UK’s offshore MPA network, Greenpeace UK collated assessments of each offshore MPA’s progress towards conservation targets as listed on the JNCC MPA listings, which hold the most up to date public information on each MPA. Out […]

14 Sep 2020

The UK’s Marine Environmental Facilities Directory produced by The Green Blue (the joint environmental programme between British Marine and the Royal Yachting Association) is a new interactive map that displays clearly the marine environmental facilities such as black water pump out, and filtered/bunded boat washdown systems, available at marinas, boatyards and harbours around the UK. […]

14 Sep 2020

As the Fisheries Bill progresses through Parliament on the way to becoming law, the way that UK fisheries are managed is likely to change in the future. One area of interest is the potential role of regional decision-making and governance, such as through local councils, enterprise partnerships and community-led initiatives. Register if you wish to […]

08 Sep 2020

Gordon Watson  ‘Our paper, “Assessing the natural capital value of water quality and climate regulation in temperate marine systems using a EUNIS biotope classification approach “ recently published in Science of the Total Environment has shown temperate intertidal and subtidal sediment systems to be some of the most valuable biotopes in terms of sequestering nitrogen, […]

08 Sep 2020

BBC   ‘Marine energy: Wales urged to be ‘world leader’ By Sarah Dickins  BBC Wales economics correspondent Wales could be a world leader in marine energy and should make the industry a priority, a former energy minister has said. Lord Peter Hain, who served under Tony Blair in 2001, said there was “massive untapped potential” around […]