03 Dec 2019

The reality of the narratives from local people in coastal communities has been a theme in this article and also the recent EFRA Report. Business as usual is becoming far from acceptable. As the climate emergency brings rising seas and cliff erosion, seaside towns are mounting a losing battle to save homes Tom Wall, Observer […]

03 Dec 2019

From: Chris Williams  Senior Programme Manager  New Economics Foundation The EU Council is meeting on 16/17th of December to set total allowable catches (TACs) for the North Sea and Northeast Atlantic. There are the final TACs that will be agreed before the EU’s deadline to end overfishing (F<Fmsy) by 2020.  We hope the summary of relevant […]

23 Nov 2019

Guardian ‘Sea level rise is set to challenge human civilization for centuries to come, even if internationally agreed climate goals are met and planet-warming emissions are then immediately eliminated, researchers have found. The lag time between rising global temperatures and the knock-on impact of coastal inundation means that the world will be dealing with ever-rising sea […]

23 Nov 2019

Dumped fishing gear is biggest plastic polluter in ocean, finds report Greenpeace calls for global action over nets, lines and traps that are deadly for marine life. Lost and abandoned fishing gear which is deadly to marine life makes up the majority of large plastic pollution in the oceans, according to a report by Greenpeace.  More […]

23 Nov 2019

Can shellfish aquaculture save coastal bays? A recent study has confirmed that mussel and oyster farming can play a key role in improving water quality by removing hundreds of tonnes of nitrogen from coastal bays and estuaries. A meta-analysis published in Aquaculture Reports reveals that mussel and oyster farming is likely to remove nearly 334 tonnes of […]

23 Nov 2019

The results of a project undertaken by marine consultancy ABPmer, to develop a method to assign values to shipping cargo has been published by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO).   The resulting mapping and information will improve the evidence base used in developing marine plan policies. Monty Smedley, maritime sector lead at ABPmer said “This was […]