19 Aug 2019

There always used to be an All Parliamentary Group on Coastal Communities … this reincarnation will be another helpful group to help recognise the pressures that coastal communities are facing not least from climate change. Hartlepool MP Mike Hill is heading up a new group of MPs aimed at boosting the country’s coastal towns. Mr […]

19 Aug 2019

On the eve of Brexit, with many long terms issues like lack of quota still a running sore, this event will try and fashion a sustainable future for many inshore fishermen. Hopefully the bursaries will encourage a strong participation. Fishermen from across the UK are being offered funding to support their attendance at the Future of […]

19 Aug 2019

The high seas and their resources are the last major frontier in our attempts to manage the ocean. The process of formulating a High Seas Treaty continues at the UN in New York and this is prompting commentary and reports. These four articles gives you some sense of this. 1.Guardian: Gillian Anderson  Overview Today, governments […]

19 Aug 2019

Where did all the cod go? Fishing crisis in the North Sea’  The article highlights the increasing importance of the Marine Stewardship Council and Marine Conservation Society on their assessments of sustainability Oceana: ‘The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has announced today the collapse of the North Sea cod population, and has recommended […]

19 Jan 2019

Well-managed MPAs – using the IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas for guidance Sue Wells Chair, IUCN WCPA Marine Management Effectiveness and Green List Task Force Contact: suewells1212@gmail.com 18 January 2019      Sue at suewells1212@gmail.com As part of our obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity, the UK has committed to putting an effectively […]

20 Aug 2018

Publication of the summary of responses begins to highlight next steps Litter Innovation Fund: further round of funding announced HM Treasury: ‘Individuals, businesses and campaign groups have expressed overwhelming support for action on tackling the impact of plastics on our environment.  The backing comes as HM Treasury publishes the summary of responses to its recent call for […]

20 Aug 2018

How best to speak for coastal communities and the environment; the report highlights the next steps and actions needed. The Coastal Partnerships Network (CPN), Coastal Communities Alliance (CCA) and the Local Government Authority Coastal Special Interest Group (LGA Coastal SIG) held the Coastal Challenge Summit with the aim of facilitating cross-sector, multi-regional debate to explore […]