28 Jan 2020

Steve Hull, ABPmer: ‘Offshore wind expansion in UK waters is facing constraints by the EU Birds & Habitats Directives, which set acceptability standards for impacts to Special Protection Areas and Special Areas of Conservation, particularly in relation to potential impacts to seabirds. Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies are now advising that, based on current scientific understanding […]

28 Jan 2020

Guardian ‘Treat coastal erosion as a natural catastrophe, UK ministers urged East Yorkshire councillors bemoan lack of national guidance and funding Ministers have been urged to step in to help families whose homes are at imminent risk of collapsing into the sea on the fastest-eroding coastline in northern Europe.  Residents in the Yorkshire village of […]

28 Jan 2020

Harriet Yates-Smith   Mindfully Wired Communications    T: 07950462532    E: harriet@mindfullywired.org The talk at Coastal Futures 2020 showed a short film teaser to promote the exciting six-part film series developed as a collaboration between North Devon UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, WWF, Sky Ocean Rescue, National Trust and the Environment Agency. The films were created by Mindfully Wired Communications […]