In response to the alarming decline of global shark populations, a group of countries from around the world have today announced a groundbreaking effort to control the unsustainable global trade in shark fins, which threatens to push these ecologically important predators to extinction, The Wildlife Conservation Society has said. The Government of Panama is leading […]

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Major steps to strengthen shark fining ban CUBA// In a rare vote, the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) has adopted a proposal for a stronger shark finning ban by an overwhelming margin, despite objections from Japan. The European Union and the United States have proposed for several years that NAFO strengthen its ban on shark […]

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A recent report for FAO highlights the threats to global shark populations, highlighting the point that focussing on shark fins is missing the point on the growth of consumption of shark meat. “There is a persistent belief among many well-intentioned folks that the only threat that sharks have ever faced, or are currently facing, is […]

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