This compilation picks up on the recently announced EAC review, a recent report on the health effects of fracking based on American experience and a hostile anti-fracking article in the Ecologist which sets out a whose who of positions. Environmental Audit Committee start review of risk from fracking on the environment including water, air and […]

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By Sara Jerome@sarmje USA Water Online: ‘As new technologies promise to treat fracking wastewater to a point where it can be reused, there’s a new question: Is it clean enough to drink? Probably not, researchers say. Returning fracking wastewater to the environment “is just as risky as dumping any municipal treated wastewater back into rivers. […]

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Water UK and its members do not support or oppose the exploitation of unconventional oil and gas. This position paper outlines our understanding of possible impacts on water and waste water services.  As with any activity of this nature there are inherent risks. Evidence suggests that these risks can be mitigated given proper enforcement of […]

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Guardian  ‘Drilling will be allowed in national parks in ‘exceptional circumstances’ but ministers retain power to veto plans, Ministers will give the go-ahead on Monday for a big expansion of fracking across Britain that will allow drilling in national parks and other protected areas in “exceptional circumstances”. The government will invite firms to bid for […]

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