There are 48 MPAs in the Northern Ireland inshore region that cover 38% of the area. The latest assessments for both the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and Habitats Directive have identified that overall, the benthic habitats are not reaching the required status, and that the main pressure is from physical damage of the seabed from fishing gear. Fisheries regulations have already been introduced in some sites with signs of recovery. This consultation by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, which ends on the 31st March 2021, proposes management measures for 9 MPAs. They include the introduction of new areas where the use of both mobile and static gear could be prohibited as well as extending some areas already covered by such zones and management of pot fisheries.

With increasing exploitation of scallop stocks around the Northern Ireland coast, the Northern Ireland Scallop Association is being proactive in working with industry to enhance long-term sustainability of stocks and together with Seafish, commissioned the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) to undertake a scallop larval dispersal study with a view to identifying potential sites for reseeding. Click here.

This study identified four sites that have habitat conditions suitable for reseeding and the Northern Ireland Scallop Association has asked DAERA to introduce regulations to prohibit bottom dredging within them. The prohibition of hand diving / gathering of scallops is also recommended.

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