Groundbreaking video by Exeter University team from the Hebrides – various feeds

Researchers attempting to look at behaviour of backing shark aggregations underwater in areas where they also aggregate on the surface. Will they find evidence of mating?


Guardian Fin tech: underwater robot monitors sharks in Scottish waters

1.  ECO Magazine The ground-breaking technology is set to reveal the secret lives of the world’s second largest fish – a species that little is known about, despite being prevalent in the waters off the west coast of Scotland. Scientists hope the stunning images captured by the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) will reinforce the case for creating the world’s first protected area for basking sharks in this part of the sea.  The REMUS SharkCam technology is owned and operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). The project is funded by WWF/Sky Ocean Rescue, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), WHOI and the University of Exeter. The team used the AUV to follow basking sharks below the surface of the water and collect high-quality oceanographic data and wide angle high-definition video of their behaviour from a distance. Initial footage from the innovative REMUS-100-meter rated SharkCam Robot deployed off the coast of Coll and Tiree last month shows the sharks moving through the water column, potentially searching for food, feeding near the surface and swimming close to the seabed.

2.  World’s first haven for basking sharks?

MCS ‘The Marine Conservation Society has joined forces with the Scottish Wildlife Trust to push for the world’s first protected area for basking sharks. The charities have launched a joint campaign urging people to show their support for basking sharks by responding to a Scottish Government consultation. We urge as many people as possible to join our campaign to ensure basking sharks, and other features, have better protection in Scottish waters. The Sea of the Hebrides Marine Protected Area (MPA) is one of four MPAs that were proposed by the Scottish Government in June. Spanning an area between the east coast of the Western Isles and the west coasts of Skye, Mull and the Ardnamurchan Peninsula, it would establish an unrivalled protected haven for the largest fish found in Scottish waters. Click here to read more & support the consultation

3.  Scientists predict areas where basking sharks should be found on the basis of 20 years citizen science.

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