18 Oct 2017

Two articles:  1. Omitting the Precautionary principle & the polluter pays from the European Withdrawal Bill (EUWB)   Guardian: ‘UK withdrawal bill ‘rips the heart out of environmental law’, say campaigners. New bill omits key ‘precautionary’ principle requiring developers and industry to prove actions will not harm wildlife or habitats as well as the ‘polluter pays’ […]

12 Sep 2017

The report was commissioned by the Adaptation Sub Committee of the government’s Committee on Climate Change for its second progress report on the National Adaptation Programme. The report reviewed a sample of major recent flood defence schemes to understand how they have contributed towards the long-term management of residual flood risk in the context of […]

14 Dec 2016

Climate change threatens ability of insurers to manage risk      Extreme weather is driving up uninsured losses and insurers must use investments to fund global warming resilience, says study  ClimateWise, a global network of 29 insurance industry organisations which is convened by the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, has warned of the urgent need […]

27 Apr 2016

Environment Agency: How risk management authorities can account for climate change within their flood and coastal erosion risk management investment decisions. Risk management authorities must apply this guidance to projects or strategies seeking government flood and coastal erosion risk management grant in aid (FCRM GiA) funding. By following the guidance, risk management authorities will carry […]

26 Jan 2016

WEF Report: A catastrophe caused by climate change is seen as the biggest potential threat to the global economy in 2016, according to a survey of 750 experts conducted by the World Economic Forum. The annual assessment of risks conducted by the WEF before its annual meeting in Davos on 20-23 January showed that global […]

19 Aug 2015

The Economist ‘The asset management industry—and thus the wider community of investors of all sizes— is facing the prospect of significant losses from the effects of climate change. Assets can be directly damaged by floods, droughts and severe storms, but portfolios can also be harmed indirectly, through weaker growth and lower asset returns. Climate change […]

15 Jun 2015

http://www.weforum.org/reports/global-risks-report-2015 The Global Risks Landscape, as defined by the survey, highlights five global risks that stand out as both highly likely and highly potentially impactful (upper right quadrant of Figure 1). Interstate conflict has significantly leaped up both dimensions since 2014, arguably reflecting recent geopolitical conflicts that are fuelling geopolitical and social instability. As last […]