30 Nov 2015

Flood News: Insurance companies are branding new £23m flood defences in a Northumberland town “irrelevant,” an MP has claimed as they continue to charge residents huge premiums.  New defences at Morpeth were completed this year on the back of major floods in 2008 and 2012, and have it is claimed massively reduced the risk of nearby properties being flooded.  Yet despite […]

11 Nov 2015

State of the Nation Scotland: Infrastructure 2015, focuses on the performance, resilience, capacity and condition of Scotland’s infrastructure networks. It also analyses the economic, social and environmental benefits of infrastructure. Through the report ICE Scotland seeks to improve the planning, delivery, operation and regulation of Scotland’s infrastructure. Scotland’s approach to delivering and maintaining infrastructure requires […]

13 Oct 2015

The Environment Agency are using a range of videos posted on YouTube to get across their new Trigger Point approach to flooding on the levels to see more go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vFc-vR9Wmg BBC ‘A three-point flood trigger plan has been introduced on the Somerset Levels in an attempt to make it clear when action will be […]

21 Sep 2015

The economic regulator has brought together and analysed information published by companies in July. Ofwat reports that companies generally delivered good levels of service to most consumers in 2014-15, but is calling for the water companies to improve their performance on sewer flooding and pollution incidents. The regulator has also set out details of steps […]

15 Sep 2015

A new report from the UK Water Partnership, Droughts and Floods – towards a more holistic approach, has been published, together with an accompanying blog by the leading author Jim Wharfe at http://www.theukwaterpartnership.org/#portfolio-page/blog/1 The UK Water Partnership is now exploring how to take forward the recommendation for a more holistic environmental approach to flooding and drought […]

07 Sep 2015

This blog is taken from the SusDrains Newsletter to sign up for this go to: http://www.susdrain.org/  A number of years waiting in the wings, the SuDS Standards finally made centre stage, but perhaps now not in the manner that many of us had anticipated. The release of the ministerial statement and updates to national planning […]

01 Sep 2015

The National Oceanography Centre (NOC) and the University of Liverpool have developed a new visualisation tool to predict the maximum cost of coastal flooding to communities around estuaries. This method, published in PLOS One, works by combining high impact flooding scenarios with land use maps. Researchers used this method to find that the economic damage […]

19 Aug 2015

‘Landmark first to launch Environment Agency’s surface water data in Envirocheck Flood Screening report. With the Environment Agency recently warning of risks related to surface water flooding, following heavy mid-summer downpurs, Landmark Information Group, the UK’s leading supplier of digital mapping, property and environmental risk information, has announced it is the first commercial provider to […]