MARINE Fund Cymru Development Manager  

We’re looking for someone to co-ordinate the development of an exciting new fund for projects that benefit marine ecosystems in Wales. Do you have knowledge of marine policy and initiatives for its delivery in Wales? Are you enthused by a role which includes relationship building, stakeholder engagement and the opportunity to nurture and protect our environment? Take a look at this opportunity and help us shape a positive future for life in our seas.

Rydym yn chwilio am rywun i gydlynu datblygiad cronfa newydd gyffrous ar gyfer prosiectau sydd o fudd i ecosystemau morol Cymru. A oes gennych chi wybodaeth am bolisïau a mentrau morol ar gyfer ei gyflenwi yng Nghymru? A yw rôl sy’n cynnwys adeiladu cydberthnasau, ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid a chael cyfle i feithrin a gwarchod ein hamgylchedd yn eich cyffroi? Edrychwch ar y cyfle hwn a helpwch ni i lunio dyfodol positif ar gyfer bywyd yn ein moroedd.

Job Description

Job title: MARINE Fund Cymru Development Manager

Responsible to: Head of Grants & Income

Group(s): Invest

Activities: Grants, Income Generation

Salary: WCVA Grade D

Base: WCVA operates a hybrid and flexible working policy which means our people can work a proportion of their time at our offices or remotely (including at home). We are a pan Wales organisation with office hubs in Aberystwyth, Cardiff and Rhyl that staff can utilise. There will be a requirement to attend some specific staff events and work engagements at our offices.

Annual Leave: 25 days per annum, plus bank holidays, plus five discretionary
days (pro rata)

Travel: Use of public transport is preferred; when this is not convenient staff may use their own vehicles or the car rental system.
Mileage rates are paid in accordance with recommended Inland Revenue rates

Hours: 35 hours per week; flexibly.

Superannuation: The post will attract a contribution of 9% of annual salary to WCVA’s approved pension scheme. Current members of the Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Pension scheme are able to remain in the scheme

Language skills: Welsh Language skills would be an asset to the post; the appointed candidate is expected to display an awareness of and support compliance with the Welsh Language Standards.


Within our Invest group you will provide lead on the development of an exciting new fund, MARINE Fund Cymru.
MARINE Fund Cymru will attract investment from developers in Wales and will then be invested in programmes and projects that enable, maintain and enhance the resilience of marine and coastal ecosystems for the long term, facilitating the delivery of wider benefits to individuals, communities and businesses. This will support our vision of Welsh seas that are clean, healthy, safe, productive and biologically diverse.


  • Co-ordinate partners’ input into the development of the Fund
  • Liaise with and manage the relationship with developers and other stakeholders
  • Actively engage new potential investors and build relationships
  • Design and implement the suite of materials to support the grant making process – Including the full scheme guidance document
  • Lead on the creation of branding and publicity of the fund – working in partnership with Natural Resources Wales
  • Lead the recruitment for steering group and grant making panel members
  • Provide regular updates to the steering group and wider stakeholders
  • Work within the governance framework to ensure fairness and transparency

This is not an exhaustive list. The post holder may be asked to carry out additional duties from time to time or, as required, by the developing needs of the service or organisation.


The following are essential skills – Candidates who do not demonstrate how they meet the following skills in their application will not be short listed

  1. Experience in the implementation, management and continuous improvement of efficient operational systems and processes including the development of online grant application and management systems
  2. Knowledge of key Marine policy areas in Wales and methods of delivery via projects
  3. An ability to work on your own initiative with an adaptable attitude towards altering work plans at short notice to meet changes in priorities
  4. Experience of managing stakeholder relationships, maintaining maximum support from stakeholders/partners
  5. Experience of providing advice and training to organisations on funding and project management best practice
  6. Experience of and confidence in working stakeholders from various sectors
  7. Good IT skills
  8. A commitment to promoting a culture where discrimination is eliminated and to provide an environment of equal opportunities where everyone recognises the positive contribution a diverse workforce and community can make

The following are desirable skills (these skills are preferable, and would enhance the application)

  1. Welsh Language skills would be an asset to the post; the appointed candidate is expected to display an awareness of and support compliance with the Welsh Language Standards.
  2. Project Management skills

To apply and for more information click here

Closing date: 9.30am, 30th September 2024

Disgrifiad Swydd

Teitl swydd: Rheolwr Datblygu Cronfa MARINE Cymru

Yn atebol i: Pennaeth Grantiau ac Incwm

Grŵp(iau): Buddsoddi

Gweithgareddau: Grantiau, Cynhyrchu Incwm

Cyflog: Gradd D CGGC

Lleoliad: Mae gan CGGC bolisi gweithio’n hyblyg ar waith, sy’n golygu y gall ein pobl weithio cyfran o’u hamser yn ein swyddfeydd neu o bell (gan gynnwys gartref). Rydyn ni’n fudiad Cymru gyfan gyda chanolfannau swyddfa yn Aberystwyth, Caerdydd a’r Rhyl y gall staff eu defnyddio. Bydd angen mynychu rhai digwyddiadau staff a galwadau gwaith penodol yn ein swyddfeydd.

Gwyliau blynyddol: 25 diwrnod y flwyddyn, ynghyd â gwyliau banc, a phum diwrnod drwy ddisgresiwn pro rata

Teithio: Rydyn ni’n ffafrio defnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus; pan na fydd hyn yn gyfleus, caiff staff ddefnyddio’u cerbydau eu hunain neu ddefnyddio’r system rhentu ceir.  Telir cyfraddau fesul milltir yn unol â’r cyfraddau a argymhellir gan Gyllid y Wlad

Oriau: 35 awr yr wythnos; yn hyblyg.

Pensiwn: Bydd y swydd yn cael cyfraniad o 9% o’r cyflog blynyddol i gynllun pensiwn cymeradwy CGGC. Gall aelodau presennol cynllun pensiwn Caerdydd a Bro Morgannwg aros yn y cynllun.

Sgiliau iaith: Byddai sgiliau Cymraeg yn gaffaeliad i’r swydd; disgwylir i’r ymgeisydd a benodir ddangos ymwybyddiaeth o Safonau’r Gymraeg a chefnogi’r gwaith o gydymffurfio â nhw.


O fewn ein grŵp Buddsoddi, chi fydd yn arwain datblygiad cronfa newydd gyffrous, Cronfa MARINE Cymru.
Bydd Cronfa MARINE Cymru yn denu buddsoddiadau gan ddatblygwyr yng Nghymru a fydd wedyn yn cael eu buddsoddi mewn rhaglenni a phrosiectau sy’n galluogi, cynnal a gwella gwydnwch ecosystemau morol ac arfordirol dros yr hirdymor, gan hwyluso’r gwaith o ddarparu buddion ehangach i unigolion, cymunedau a busnesau. Bydd hyn yn cefnogi ein gweledigaeth am foroedd Cymreig glân, iach, diogel, cynhyrchiol a biolegol-amrywiol.


  • Cydlynu mewnbwn partneriaid i mewn i ddatblygiad y Gronfa
  • Cysylltu â datblygwyr a rhanddeiliaid eraill a rheoli’r berthynas â nhw
  • Mynd ati’n weithredol i ddenu buddsoddwyr posibl a meithrin cydberthnasau
  • Dylunio’r gyfres o ddeunyddiau i gefnogi’r broses llunio grantiau a’i rhoi ar waith – gan gynnwys dogfen ganllaw’r holl gynllun
  • Arwain y gwaith ar greu brandio a chyhoeddusrwydd i’r gronfa – gan weithio mewn partneriaeth â Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru
  • Arwain y gwaith o recriwtio aelodau ar gyfer y grŵp llywio a’r panel llunio grantiau
  • Rhoi diweddariadau rheolaidd i’r grŵp llywio a rhanddeiliaid ehangach
  • Gweithio o fewn y fframwaith llywodraethu i sicrhau tegwch a thryloywder

Nid yw hon yn rhestr gyflawn.  Efallai y bydd gofyn i ddeiliad y swydd gyflawni dyletswyddau ychwanegol o dro i dro neu yn ôl y gofyn, wrth i anghenion y gwasanaeth neu’r mudiad ddatblygu.


Mae’r canlynol yn sgiliau hanfodol (ni fydd ymgeiswyr sy’n methu ag arddangos y rhain yn cael eu rhoi ar y rhestr fer)

  1. Profiad o weithredu, rheoli a gwneud gwelliannau parhaus i systemau a phrosesau gweithredol effeithlon, gan gynnwys datblygiad system ymgeisio am grantiau a system reoli grantiau ar-lein
  2. Gwybodaeth am feysydd polisi Morol allweddol yng Nghymru a dulliau darparu trwy brosiectau
  3. Gallu gweithio ar liwt eich hun a chydag agwedd hyblyg tuag at addasu cynlluniau gwaith ar fyr rybudd i fodloni newidiadau mewn blaenoriaethau
  4. Profiad o reoli cydberthnasau â rhanddeiliaid, a chael cymaint â phosibl o gymorth gan randdeiliaid/partneriaid
  5. Profiad o roi cyngor a hyfforddiant i fudiadau ar arferion gorau wrth gyllido a rheoli prosiectau
  6. Profiad o weithio gyda rhanddeiliaid o sectorau amrywiol a hyder i weithio gyda nhw
  7. Sgiliau TG da
  8. Ymrwymiad i hyrwyddo diwylliant lle y caiff gwahaniaethu ei ddileu ac i ddarparu amgylchedd cyfle cyfartal, lle y mae pawb yn cydnabod y cyfraniad cadarnhaol y gall gweithlu a chymuned amrywiol ei wneud

Mae’r canlynol yn sgiliau dymunol (byddai’n well bod â’r sgiliau yma, a byddent yn cyfoethogi’r cais)

  1. Byddai sgiliau Cymraeg yn gaffaeliad i’r swydd; disgwylir i’r ymgeisydd a benodir ddangos ymwybyddiaeth o Safonau’r Gymraeg a chefnogi’r gwaith o gydymffurfio â nhw.
  2. Sgiliau Rheoli Prosiect.

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