ABPmer:  ‘The Natural Capital Committee published its third State of Natural Capital report on 27 January 2015.  It recommends that Government, working closely with the private sector and NGOs should develop a comprehensive strategy to protect and improve natural capital. The report, prepared by eftec, presents a series of potential environmental investments that offer good economic returns such as protecting intertidal habitats and woodland planning.  It also sets out an innovative framework for corporations to take account of their natural capital.  ABPmer prepared evidence reviews on fisheries management and measures to protect/restore saltmarsh which informed the case for investing in natural marine capital.  Both of which were deemed to have sufficient evidence to be recommended as investment options. Stephen Hull, ABPmer Technical Director said: “We were excited to be part of this project team.   Protecting and improving a country’s natural capital is a key element of sustainable development.  The goods and services provided by the natural environment are fundamental to any nation’s prosperity. We drew on our knowledge of the services provided through fisheries and intertidal habitats to prepare in-depth evidence case studies that were used to inform the report.” To read the Natural Capital Committee’s ongoing State of Natural Capital report series visit their publications page at


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