This new report published in late December covers one of the most problematic issues in current marine development.

NIRAS & MMO  ‘NIRAS Consulting Ltd, supported by Amec Foster Wheeler, were commissioned by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) to develop a framework for scoping potential cumulative effects at a strategic level, to be applicable across all of the MMO’s functions. The final report for this project has recently been published by MMO. The aim of the project was to develop a consistent approach to the identification of potential cumulative effects, providing MMO with an overarching methodology that could be used as part of its day to day operations. The approach needed to be applicable for all marine plan areas and all relevant Marine Policy Statement (MPS) sectors. Under the MPS, MMO has an obligation to ensure potential cumulative effects are taken into account in its decision making. The identification and evaluation of potential environmental, social, and economic effects of marine activities allows for effective management measures to be put in place to minimise or remove negative effects. Measures to understand and mitigate cumulative effects may potentially be put in place through marine management, licensing conditions and marine plan policies. The report provides a review of current evidence into cumulative effects assessment processes focusing on scoping; results of extensive consultation undertaken as part of the project; guidelines for the management of contribution to cumulative effects and mitigation; and a framework to identify and scope cumulative effects at a strategic level, that aims to be proportionate and achievable in practice. In addition to the report, an evidence database was produced collating current evidence relating to potential high level pressures on environmental receptors resulting from marine activities. To read more go to:

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